Quickly. Targeted. Effectively.

Microlearning is an effective and popular method of learning, similar to snacking instead of a meal.

Brief explanation of key aspects

Microlearning is ideal for fast, targeted learning, especially suitable for people with busy schedules or for specific educational needs. This method enables effective and affordable learning, is easily integrated into the work day and facilitates quick problem solving.

What exactly is microlearning?

What exactly is microlearning?

Microlearning is like a quick snack: short, focused on a single topic, ideal for smaller learning needs. Multiple micro-courses can be combined for more comprehensive learning, similar to a midterm.

More than a short training session

More than a short training session

Microlearning isn’t just short; it is purposefully designed to be efficient in a short format. The content is broken down into small, manageable chunks, with a clear focus on individual learning objectives.

Why is microlearning effective?

Why is microlearning effective?

Its short length makes it accessible and easily “bingeable”, i.e. easy for continuous learning. Microlearning respects the student’s time and enables the application of what has been learned at the moment of need.

When to use microlearning?

When to use microlearning?

Microlearning is useful when the information is suitable for segmentation into short chunks. However, if the topic requires a longer, deeper dive to explain, breaking that content up into short chunks will make it harder for attendees to grasp the gist.

Free microlearning

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Kreston Learning

Kreston Learning

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